Tips to Help Seniors Dress for Wild Spring Weather

Feb 20, 2023

Spring is on the way, but during this time of year, the weather can be unpredictable. It can be tough for seniors, especially those with mobility challenges, to dress for the weather and be comfortable. Personal care at home for seniors helps get dressed, bathe, and basic hygiene.  They can be more confident when they go out. When seniors have personal care at home, dressing for the weather won’t be a challenge. Seniors can also use these tips to cope with wild weather that isn’t quite spring, but isn’t quite winter either:

Dress In Layers

The best way for seniors to stay warm without getting too warm when the temperature can swing from freezing in the morning to temperate by afternoon is to dress in layers. Starting with a layer of clothing made from moisture-wicking fabric is important. When seniors sweat that sweat, they can bring their body temperature down quite a bit, and they can catch a chill easily. On top of a moisture-wicking first layer, should go a light cotton shirt or tee shirt. And then a sweater or sweatshirt over that.

Bring A Waterproof Jacket

Snow or rain can happen instantly. Seniors who are outside or out running errands can get very sick if they catch a chill from getting wet. Seniors should always have a lightweight waterproof jacket with them that they can put on to block rain or snow. A light waterproof jacket won’t add a lot of bulk or make seniors too warm, but it will provide necessary protection from the snow or rain.

Carry A Bag With Extra Clothes

It’s a good idea for seniors or their care providers to carry a bag with some extra socks, a clean shirt, and other extra clothes in it. Seniors who struggle with incontinence should put some extra briefs in their bag and a clean pair of pants. This time of year, it’s also smart to carry a heavier sweater, a hat, a pair of gloves, and a scarf. Likewise, if seniors get too warm, they can take off a layer and put those clothes in the bag.

Don’t Forget Sun Protection

Seniors need sun protection all year long, no matter what the weather is done. For seniors, the damage done by the sun can actually be worse during the winter, especially if there is snow that will reflet the sun’s rays. When seniors are going out in the time period between spring and summer, they should always have sunglasses with them. It’s also a good idea to bring a sun hat or visor. Also, seniors should never leave the house without someone making sure they are wearing sunscreen. Sunscreen is sun protection that seniors should use every day. A good sunscreen is a must have item for seniors.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Personal Care at Home in Avon, CT, please contact the caring staff at Golden Touch Personal Care LLC today.  860-393-1055