Alzheimer’s Care Helps Keep Your Senior Parent Hydrated
Dehydration is a problem for a huge percentage of seniors. In fact, estimates are that more than 40% of seniors are chronically dehydrated. Seniors who are chronically dehydrated can have a higher risk of serious health problems because they are not getting enough water. Alzheimer’s care for seniors can help ensure that your senior parent gets enough to drink and stays hydrated.
It not only can cause urinary and kidney problems for seniors, but can make existing health problems worse. Seniors who have Alzheimer’s are often dehydrated because they cannot recognize their body’s cue of being thirsty. Plus, they may not be able to ask for a drink when they are thirsty.
When seniors have Alzheimer’s care, they get the extra support they need to thrive at home and remain in a place that is familiar to them. Receiving care from providers who are trained to see signs of thirst or dehydration help encourage your senior loved one to drink water or juice. Here are a few other tips on how to keep your senior hydrated.
Giving Them Popsicles
Popsicles that are made at home from fruit juice are a fantastic way to make sure seniors with Alzheimer’s are getting enough liquids to stay hydrated. Cool, sweet, and delicious popsicles made from fruit juice are always appealing and they seem like a frozen treat.
They are made from fruit juice they are a great source of extra calories, vitamins and minerals, and liquid to keep your senior parent hydrated. Plastic popsicle molds are inexpensive and easy to find. All the Alzheimer’s care provider needs to do is pour juice into the molds and freeze them to make popsicles. Mixing different kinds of juices can make even more flavorful popsicles.
Making Fun Or Exotic Drinks
Another way to encourage seniors to drink more is to make fun drinks that combine fruit, sparkling water, and other beverages. Punch made from soda, seltzer, juice, and fresh fruit is a delicious way to encourage seniors to drink more. Mocktails, which are flavored drinks that have flavors that mimic cocktails but no alcohol, are always popular with seniors.
Even just slicing from fresh fruit or cucumber into a pitcher of water will make a refreshing flavorful beverage that will tempt seniors to drink more. Making water always available either in a water bottle or a glass is important too.
Offering Different Temperature Beverages
Sometimes seniors with Alzheimer’s aren’t able to express that they don’t like a certain kind of drink or drinks that are too hot or too cold. Offering drinks that are a range of temperatures makes it more likely that seniors will find one that they like. Maybe your senior loved one wants room temperature water instead of cold water because their teeth hurt. Or maybe they just prefer hot tea to iced tea. Giving them options will encourage them to drink more and stay hydrated.